
只要节中的目录(或子目录)content包含 _index.md文件,就会创建一个节。如果目录不包含_index.md文件,则不会创建任何部分,但该目录中的 Markdown 文件仍会创建页面(称为孤立页面)。

主页(即,当用户浏览到您的 时显示的页面base_url)是一个部分,无论您是否在目录_index.md的根目录下添加文件,都会创建该部分content如果您不在_index.md内容目录中创建文件,则此主要内容部分将没有任何内容或元数据。如果您想添加内容或元数据,您可以 在目录_index.md的根目录下添加一个文件content并像编辑任何其他 _index.md文件一样编辑它;然后您的index.html模板将可以访问该内容和元数据。

节目录中的任何非 Markdown 文件都会添加到assets节的集合中,如 内容概述中所述。然后可以使用相关链接在 Markdown 文件中使用这些文件。




目录中的文件_index.md定义该部分的内容和元数据。要设置元数据,请将 front matter 添加到文件中。

TOML front matter 是一组嵌入文件中的元数据,位于文件的开头,由三重加号 ( +++) 括起来。

关闭后+++,您可以添加内容,这些内容将被解析为 Markdown 并通过变量提供给您的模板section.content


请注意,尽管鼓励使用 TOML,但也支持 YAML front matter 以简化遗留内容的移植。在这种情况下,嵌入的元数据必须包含在三重负数 ( ---) 中。


title = ""

description = ""

# A draft section is only loaded if the `--drafts` flag is passed to `zola build`, `zola serve` or `zola check`.
draft = false

# Used to sort pages by "date", "update_date", "title", "title_bytes", "weight", "slug" or "none". See below for more information.
sort_by = "none"

# Used by the parent section to order its subsections.
# Lower values have higher priority.
weight = 0

# Template to use to render this section page.
template = "section.html"

# The given template is applied to ALL pages below the section, recursively.
# If you have several nested sections, each with a page_template set, the page
# will always use the closest to itself.
# However, a page's own `template` variable will always have priority.
# Not set by default.
page_template =

# This sets the number of pages to be displayed per paginated page.
# No pagination will happen if this isn't set or if the value is 0.
paginate_by = 0

# If set, this will be the path used by the paginated page. The page number will be appended after this path.
# The default is page/1.
paginate_path = "page"

# If set, there will pagination will happen in a reversed order.
paginate_reversed = false

# This determines whether to insert a link for each header like the ones you can see on this site if you hover over
# a header.
# The default template can be overridden by creating an `anchor-link.html` file in the `templates` directory.
# This value can be "left", "right", "heading" or "none".
# "heading" means the full heading becomes the text of the anchor.
insert_anchor_links = "none"

# If set to "true", the section pages will be in the search index. This is only used if
# `build_search_index` is set to "true" in the Zola configuration file.
in_search_index = true

# If set to "true", the section homepage is rendered.
# Useful when the section is used to organize pages (not used directly).
render = true

# This determines whether to redirect when a user lands on the section. Defaults to not being set.
# Useful for the same reason as `render` but when you don't want a 404 when
# landing on the root section page.
# Example: redirect_to = "documentation/content/overview"
redirect_to =

# If set to "true", the section will pass its pages on to the parent section. Defaults to `false`.
# Useful when the section shouldn't split up the parent section, like
# sections for each year under a posts section.
transparent = false

# Use aliases if you are moving content but want to redirect previous URLs to the
# current one. This takes an array of paths, not URLs.
aliases = []

# If set to "true", a feed file will be generated for this section at the
# section's root path. This is independent of the site-wide variable of the same
# name. The section feed will only include posts from that respective feed, and
# not from any other sections, including sub-sections under that section.
generate_feed = false

# Your own data.



要为某个部分的页面启用分页,请设置paginate_by为正数。有关模板中可用变量的更多信息,请参阅 分页模板文档。



Zola 模板迭代页面或部分以显示给定目录中的所有页面/部分是很常见的。考虑一个非常简单的例子:一个blog包含三个文件的目录:blog/Post_1.md, blog/Post_2.mdblog/Post_3.md. 要遍历这些帖子并创建指向这些帖子的链接列表,一个简单的模板可能如下所示:

{% for post in section.pages %}
  <h1><a href="{{ post.permalink }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h1>
{% endfor %}

这将按照相应部分sort_by在页面中设置的变量指定的顺序遍历帖子。可以为_index.md变量sort_by指定几个值:dateupdate_date titletitle_bytesweightslugnone如果sort_by未设置,页面将按顺序排序none,这不适用于已排序的内容。

任何缺少需要排序的数据的页面都将被忽略并且不会呈现。例如,如果页面缺少日期变量且其部分设置为sort_by = "date",则该页面将被忽略。如果发生这种情况,终端将警告您。



front sort_by-matter 变量可以有以下值:









title除了它直接使用字节进行排序外,与其他相同。自然排序将非 ASCII 字符视为最接近的 ASCII 字符。对于具有不同字符集的语言,这可能会导致意外结果。例如,瑞典字母表的最后三个字符 åäö 将被自然排序视为 aao。在那种情况下,标准字节顺序排序可能更合适。






遍历页面时,您可能希望使用 Terareverse过滤器,它会反转页面的顺序。例如,使用reverse过滤器后,按重量排序的页面将从最轻(顶部)到最重(底部)排序;按日期排序的页面将从最旧(在顶部)到最新(在底部)排序。




排序部分不太灵活:部分只能按 排序weight,并且没有指向较重/较轻部分的变量。


注意:与页面不同,永久链接不会用于打破同等权重部分之间的联系。因此,如果weight您的部分的变量未设置(或者如果以产生联系的方式设置),那么您的部分将按 随机顺序排序。此外,该顺序是在构建时确定的,并且会随着每次站点重建而改变。因此,如果您有任何机会迭代您的部分,您应该始终为它们分配不同的权重。